===== BASH For Loop ===== {{tag>Linux}} Here is an example of a double for loop that will go into each directory of rsyslog and remove the archive files. [root@MATX01LIMO01 rsyslog]# pwd /var/log/rsyslog \\ Here is the long written out format for ease of reading; for i in * do for j in {1..7} do rm -rf $i/messages.$j.txt done done \\ Here is the single line CLI version for understanding where the ";" breaks are; [root@MATX01LIMO01 rsyslog]# for i in *; do for j in {1..7}; do rm -rf $i/messages.$j.txt; done; done Example of for loop through a bash array for seeing of rsync destination directory is available; #!/bin/bash DIRECTORY=( /mnt/drive1/folder\ one/ /mnt/drive2/folder2/ ) for ((i = 0; i < ${#DIRECTORY[@]}; i++)) do if [ -d "${DIRECTORY[$i]}" ]; then echo -e "\n${DIRECTORY[$i]}" ls "${DIRECTORY[$i]}" # -n = --dry-run and is used for testing #rsync -n -v -h -r -P --append --exclude .example1 --exclude example2 /home/USERNAME/SOURCEDIRECTORY "${DIRECTORY[$i]}" fi if [ ! -d "${DIRECTORY[$i]}" ]; then echo -e "\n${DIRECTORY[$i]} is not available" fi done echo -e ""